Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 12

Today's city is Edinburgh, Scotland. According to Google, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, the seat of the Scottish parliament and government, the largest city by area and the second largest by population in the country. I honestly don't know the significance of going to Scotland. I am pretty sure they are predominantly Christian. But my prayer is for God's perfect will be enacted. While my flesh mind doesn't understand, may my spirit line up in accordance with God's. May they go there a do God's work.

Today I also read Genesis 24-26. Genesis 24 is when Abraham ask one of his servants to go find a wife for Isaac. I have always loved this story but never realized the unanimity of the teaching in the story. This servant goes to a foreign land to find a relative of Abraham for Abraham's son, Isaac, to marry, so Isaac did not marry a local Canaanite woman. The servant goes on the trip because he made the covenant but you can feel that the servant was very skeptical of finding a woman of marrying age that was Abraham's kin in and entire city. He could have lied and said he searched and could not find her which would have freed him from the covenant he made with ABraham, but instead he prays "O Lord, the God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today, and show lonvingkindness to my master Abraham. Behold, I am standing by the spring, and the daughters of men of the city are coming out to draw water; now may it be that the girl to whom I say, 'Please let me down your jar so that I may drink'; and who answers, 'Drink, and I will water your also', may she be the one whom you have appointed for you servant Isaac; and by this I will know that you have shown lovingkindness to my master." Well the first woman he asks does just as the prayer asks and she turns out to be Abraham's niece. This had me ask myself... "When was the last time you asked God to just lay it out in plain sight/language/actions?" I think we get so fancy in our language and think that God works in tea leaves and the blowing of the wind, we forget that God is our God. He created us and understands how we work. If we just ask we can receive a plain and simple answer. If you are searching for an answer; if you are in the right place, with the right person, as for clarity plain and simple.

I digress from my mini sermon to tell you that I made the most delicious and soft flat bread last night. I used the same chapati recipe that I have always used (1c whole wheat flour, warm/hot water as needed to make doughy, pinch of salt) I just added 1 half a medium sized sweet potato. Man, it was just what I was looking for in the bread. It didn't make it sweet, but softened it like no other. After sitting overnight in foil, at lunch it was still butter soft (o how I miss butter).

Well so far my stomach has not been too happy with me. I think I am still adjusting to so much fiber in my diet. I have good days and then I have days like today where it is all rumbly and other stuff I won't mention on here. I will drink lots of water to see if it just need a little help flushing out some stuff. At least my stomach is really flat :)

I still enjoy this fast. I had to ask for help as my room mate made limeade with a cup of sugar in front of me. I never thought I would want limeade so bad. Then she had chinese which was a sweet fried chicken of some sort and white rice.... ghhhhhhh. It looked and smelled so good. Of course all I could think of was my botched attempt at an orange ginger vegetable stirfry. O well, baby steps. I walked away from the kitchen and waited for her to put up the honey and sugar. Of course today marks the start of a new weekend. the 2nd of the three which I will endure. As football season is at it's most interesting all the pizza and wing commercials are getting to me. I don't watch much TV, but the little that I do (Scandal was so good last night) is a huge temptation to just eat crap. I wish crappy food was so addicting. The salt, the fat, the sugar. All things that are bodies crave from our hunter-gathering days which is in way too much abundance today. Working in the Human Nutrition Department at UT Southwestern has taught me a lot about what not to eat, yet, I still eat it. You would think after seeing obesity up close and personal I would work much harder to go the other way. But after this fast I will definitely be more cautious about what I put into my body!

Today's Meals:
2 eggs scrambled and 1/4 steamed sweet potato

Chickpea salad wrapped with sweet potato chapati
Cucumber and carrots


Lentil soup

KCC 1/18/2013

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